Friday, October 31, 2008

Sure enough

You may recall I have talked about Unbreakable in the past, and I still wonder why everyone doesn't love this movie (I have been watching it while on the cycle trainer all week...awesome). I was just reminded of another movie that is greatly underappreciated...The Last Dragon. Featuring a young African American martial arts student (Bruce Leroy) and the the architypal antagonist...Sho'nuff. I hope by review of the following clip you can see what great cinema is like...

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have never been the most overtly political person when it comes to election time, although admittedly, I usually drift toward the Democratic side of things. For the most part I like (or at least liked) both Presidential candidates this year, or at the very least realized that neither should be as unfortunate as the past 8 years.

More interestingly, has been the bits and pieces that Jackson, our 3 year old picks up. While riding in the car, listening to NPR, last week, Jackson asked "Who's John McCain?" I did my best to educate him as well as a three year old needs to be and he has become relatively fascinated with the candidates, even watching the last debate. Last night he was playing with the powers of imagination and going on a car ride with Senator Obama. This led to the song and dance you see below. Kind of frightening what kids pick up, but at least we're voting the same way.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hey you. Guy in the bathroom stall, next to me, using your laptop. That's gross. Seriously, really gross, please stop. You're making me feel really uncomfortable and dirty right now.

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Alabaster Indian Princess

Jana and the kids were recently voted in as members of the Kenaitze Indian Tribe. The Kenaitze are Dena'ina, a branch of the Athabascan Native Americans. We are excited to have more access and information about our family history. Jana still maintains that the casino I run in the garage is illegal.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Remember school pictures?

I swear he is much more attractive in person.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Serenity now

The deafening silence of my house when I awoke this morning startled me. I'm working nights this week and everyone was gone already. This was a poinient moment, as the comes a time in every parent's life where you have to let go and left your fledglings fly free from the nest. For most folks this is at the age of 18ish and college or that assistant manager's job at Wendy's are the impending cause. We made it to 10 months. The twins started day care today. It was a beautiful thing.

Those of you who have spent any significant time around me know that I have fairly definite opinions on only a couple of things. Home schooling being one (for 99.9% of home schooled kids, worst idea ever) and the other is that Canonball Run is the second best movie of all time. As a relatively new parent, I have also become a huge proponent of day care and preschool. I'll admit to a few somewhat selfish benefits, but the socialization and interaction a child gets through a good program is so far beyond what I as a reasonably well educated parent could ever hope to give. Jackson has thrived in this environment and and now the twins have that opportunity as well. We are very excited about this moment. We also get to go to a movie on Wednesday. Any suggestions?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just had to put this up

If you are about my age, I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I did. Thanks to Geekologie. Keelay, dance for me.

Anyone watch Arrested Development and remember Gob's magic act?

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I spent the large part of the past several years claiming to be "Unbreakable". If anyone other than me has seen the M. Night Shyamalan, Bruce Willis vehicle as named, you have a vague idea of what I am talking about. The basic plot centers around a man who is the sole survivor from a train crash who, when he takes his life in to view, realizes that he has never had a sick day, never been ill, and his son believes him to be a super hero. Long story short (or very long story short, to those of you who didn't appreciate the pace of the movie)common man rises against odds, wins his son's affection, and conquers his nemesis. I really like the concepts and pace of this movie. I met someone else once who did too, but forgot his name.

Anyway, the combination of my super powers and a deep seeded ability to deny illness (I swear I can will it away, as long as I refuse to believe I am sick) failed me this week. The whole family has come down with various permutations of gastroenteritis, one by one. I caught it last (of course after claiming my super powers) and worst. I'll spare you the gorey details, but I haven't eaten in three days and have learned some fascinating things about my digestive system.

I just realized that it is late, I am malnourished (although I am losing weight like no one's could 10,000 supermodels have it wrong), and I can't remember where my line of thought was heading. So, I will attach yet another entertaining Sarah Palin link. Make sure you click on almost every item in the Sarah Palin Oval Office. Hours or at least minutes of fun. Thanks to The Superficial for the link.

PS-I really like this movie. I own it. If you want to come over and watch it sometime, I'll make some popcorn. Look away if I get teary eyed.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

De facto

Pacific Cod is the eighth most popular fish in America! I have got to start listening to a different radio station in the mornings. (What is the ninth? Walleye?)

UPDATE: Number 9, number 9, number 9...Tilapia

(thanks again to Val who apparently reads this thing way more than all y'all.)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Me for President? Why not!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Let this be a warning to you...

Never. Ever. Purposefully or accidentally smell a bicycle seat after you've recently ridden on it. Seriously.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Now that's how you debate!

Aside from all of her comments about John "The Maverick" McCain (drink now please), Palin's uncertainty and reference to her note cards bugged me a little. The strategy she followed was apparently leaked out via the interweb. Thanks to Val for the link...

I think I blacked out for a minute there. What happened?

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Nascar without the crashes

I kept watching, despite my boredom. The debate tonight was remakably civil and without spectacular faux pas. Probably a good thing, but I kept waiting, watching. Just like when you're watching a NASCAR race on TV and your waiting for that one crash. You really don't want anyone to get hurt, but the race is really pretty boring and you are waiting for that one driver to crash into the wall or bump someone else from behind. That's really why we watch these things. Bummer. If only John "The Maverick" McCain was there. Please drink now.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

New drinking game!!!!

Every time Sarah Palin calls John McCain a "Maverick" take a drink. I feel kind of woozy already...

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Back to work this week. Thus far I have several patients with CVAs, a new diagnosis of Myasthenia gravis, small cell carcinoma, renal cell cancer, out of control diabetes, and a couple of old folks I am afraid to send home. It actually hasn't been too busy and I have an intern working for/with me. The main drawback thus far has been my gimpiness. I never realized how big our hospital was until I had to limp my way from unit to unit. The end of the day is complete exhaustion and sore muscles I didn't know I had. The knee is improving, sore, but improving, and my orthopod was surprized at how much I was already doing on it (I think that's good). I think I need a Segway to roll around the hospital, or maybe I'll just make the intern push me around in a wheel chair. VP debates are tomorrow night. Should be interesting to see how our well versed governor holds up.