Sunday, July 31, 2005


Seriously...I need minions, a staff, or at least a personal assistant. I seem to get my business done at the hospital, but things I plan for home fall to the wayside. I have even taken to dictating blog entries into my Pocket PC, but there is no one there to transcribe them for me. The only reason I get things done at the hospital is that people do things for me. It is a very strange feeling going from getting kicked around as a medical student to having nurses and other staff step aside to let you do your business, and then ask what you would have them do. I now understand the stories of people walking into hospitals and pretending they are doctors. A white coat will give you almost unlimited access.

Along these lines, I had a dream the other night that donning my white coat, I snuck into the Vatican. Now, why a white coat would give me access to the Vatican (BTW, I'm not Catholic) I do not know. Such is the world of my dreams. Perhaps it is an early indication of the "God complex" that affects so many physicians manifesting itself in my subconscious. I do like people doing things that I ask of them.

Since I won't email all of you, FYI, Jana is doing well and taking care of Jackson for the both of us. Her transfer to the VA in Anchorage officially fell through since her leave time ended Friday. The easy route did not work, but usually something better comes along. Jackson doesn't sleep much (like his father) but he is generally a pretty happy baby, and starting to plump up and become more interactive. We'll send pictures soon.

Friday, July 15, 2005

I can't go, but it sounds like fun...

"come to the first annual Fairbanks Mid-summer hat tourney
lush fields
cold beer
hairy girls/smelly men"

Ahhh, Ultimate in Alaska

Sunday, July 10, 2005

At least it's a start

We are doing well, although I haven't seen much of Jana and Jackson this week. I was on call the 4th and the 8th and the 10th (tonight). Basically this weekend I got to go home for about 12-14 hours between Friday morning and Monday afternoon. I get next weekend off, though, and the call schedule is only this bad for the first year. If Jackson slept better at night, it would be a little easier, but I don't get a lot of sleep even when I'm not on call.

Since I have neglected posting, here is a chunk of email I sent my brother...

Work has been good, although I have good days and stupid days. There is so much to learn that it is hard not to feel dumb when you miss half of what is going on. I am very glad that there are people in charge of me who check the things I do, but they have given me more independance than I expected.

We have one of my classmates and her husband and dog living with us for a few more days until their house goes through. They were supposed to move in before we started but there were serious problems with the house and they had to back out of the deal. It hasn't been to bad having extra people around, but I haven't been home much either.

Jana is doing well, but a little exhausted from being full time mom with nursing and all. I don't know how she does it. I think she is looking forward to getting back to work just because it is so demanding having to be there for Jackson every waking (and non-waking) hour.

Anywho, we miss all of our friends, dearly, and are not avoiding communications on purpose. We knew what we were leaving in Tucson, but it is amazing how good we had it there with our friends. Our best to everyone, and I will continue to post PRN. I have also started a file for the internship blog, but it is not yet functional...maybe next week.