Sunday, March 26, 2006

Movie time

Saw V is for Vendetta last night. Jana didn't like it as much as I did. For some reason the thought of revolution, and a purpose greater than my own, always gets me a little excited. Maybe it was just all the exploding buildings. It reminded me of Fight Club, but with a lot more philosophyzing (not sure that's a word) and stranger costumes. Anyway, lots of talking. Natalie Portman looked beautiful as always, even with the lack of hair. (I sort of have a crush, Jana already knows.)

The war room scenes were also remniscent of Dr. Strangelove. Lots of things to talk about. Hopefully someone with more literary depth than myself can expound on the film.

Favorite line: "a revolution without dancing is not a revoultion worth having."

Being the revolutionaries that we are, Jana and I snuck our own food and drinks into the show. Who said the man was keeping us down?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It appears to be spring

Six to eight inches of snow on Sunday, my first ski day of the year, followed a splendid deep-snow bike ride. Now 44 degrees fahrenheit and I am riding my bike through small lakes on the way home.

I had to buy a set of fenders for the bike this evening so I could see the road on the way home. Not to mentioned soaked underwear leads to "commando" rounds at the hospital.

I'm starting to look at cyclocross bikes again. Anyone with some good tips out there?

Another forgotten post... This is what happened when we asked for a birthday cake in Mexico a few weeks ago:

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Forgotten Iditarod post...

I forgot to mention that we have two Docs from our hospital running the Iditarod this year. Dr. Buntzen and Dr. Lanier. How these people have time for a medical career aAND world class dog racing is beyond me. An even cooler item is that I just realized that Dr. Lanier is the father of a friend of ours. My dog mushing contacts are building up, and perhaps next year I will find myself out on the trail - only as a medical consult, but how cool would that be?

Sunday, March 12, 2006


It's been a pretty sweet past few days. I finished up my ER rotation Thursday with a bang. My attending invited me to go flying with her, so we flew to a town about 200 miles south (by road) and back just to ejoy the beautiful weather. Spectacular.

As I was helping put the wing covers back on the plane after landing, she mentioned that I was putting in the work to bank flights for this summer. Sweet.

This was followed by intubating a lady emergently in the ER following a drug overdose. The crazy thing was that I was behind her in line in the cafeteria about 15 minutes earlier. I have had the opportunity to intubate a few people, but usually this is done in preparation for surgery, not in an emergent situation. Again, sweet.
Finally, we headed north on the Alaska Railroad to an abandoned post called Curry, which at one time had a lodge and ski hill. Now the train heads there once a year, filled with cross country skiers, a polka band, and much revelry. It was another picture perfect day.

Monday, March 06, 2006

If I'd known they were this easy...

I would have posted more pictures long ago. It seems like it used to be a lot more labor intensive to post pix.

Doctor Prom

Had a hot date to the Doctor Prom Saturday night. Providence Hospital's annual "Physicians Gala" was held at the performing arts center, with three floors of "heavy hors d'ovres" and wine. It was very strange to see many of the people I work with (and for) in a social setting. It was also strange to be seperated out from the rest of the hospital staff. A bit elitist, but we had a really good time. Is that wrong? A couple of the original Beach Boys and their back up band capped off the night with dancing on the stage of the main auditorium. A little surreal, but again, lots of fun.

Had the day off today and went ice skating as well as cross country skiing. I am really enjoying the winter. I don't remember them being this fun.

Finally, I'm trying to start with the pictures as requested. Here's one of Jackson and Jana following bath time this evening. It is certainly obvious where the good looks come from.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Had breakfast with friends this morning, then walked out their back door and watched the Iditarod as it passed by on the trails behind their house. Awesome. Jackson, after a night of no sleep, was less than impressed, but seemed to enjoy the dogs. We must have seen 10 people we knew today. I love this town.

So I've decided to start trying to write more. What I ask of you is some topics, themes, or parameters to get me started. What you will receive in turn is a short story (likely very short)here on the ol' blog. Give me what you got.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What day is today?

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy cyclist.

I saw a fox on the way to work this morning. Minus 7 degrees fahrenheit today. COLD.

Did I mention I was on a diet? Lost 5 pounds last week. I am slowly starving to death. Fortunately at my current weight it will take a long time.