Movie time
Saw V is for Vendetta last night. Jana didn't like it as much as I did. For some reason the thought of revolution, and a purpose greater than my own, always gets me a little excited. Maybe it was just all the exploding buildings. It reminded me of Fight Club, but with a lot more philosophyzing (not sure that's a word) and stranger costumes. Anyway, lots of talking. Natalie Portman looked beautiful as always, even with the lack of hair. (I sort of have a crush, Jana already knows.)
The war room scenes were also remniscent of Dr. Strangelove. Lots of things to talk about. Hopefully someone with more literary depth than myself can expound on the film.
Favorite line: "a revolution without dancing is not a revoultion worth having."
Being the revolutionaries that we are, Jana and I snuck our own food and drinks into the show. Who said the man was keeping us down?
The war room scenes were also remniscent of Dr. Strangelove. Lots of things to talk about. Hopefully someone with more literary depth than myself can expound on the film.
Favorite line: "a revolution without dancing is not a revoultion worth having."
Being the revolutionaries that we are, Jana and I snuck our own food and drinks into the show. Who said the man was keeping us down?