Friday, November 05, 2004

Urge to kill weakening...

So, after a few days of letting the dust and demons settle via copious studying, I am finally ready to lay the recent presidential elections to rest. An aptly described "post mortem" by Kyle.

I am disappointed. Will this likely affect my personal future? No, probably not. Will I like the direction that the future of our nation is heading? No, probably not. There has been a lot of talk about how one candidate or the other was the "lesser of two evils," and while I don't think that they were quite that bad (at least Kerry wasn't that bad), I find it disheartening that our country is becoming so polarized and divided. To reach out and embrace what is considered black or white by the often hypocritical politicians and vote on single issues will be the downfall of this country. To sum my final comments on this election I would like to refute a couple of statements that have recently made headlines.

Cheney's declaration of a "mandate" for the Bush administration and it's policies: How a "mandate" can be opposed by 48% of the people in this country boggles me. I dream of seeing this administration realize that half the country disagrees with them and ceasing the enforcement of their "values" Will this happen? No, probably not.

President Bush (shudder) received more votes than any President in US history: Senator Kerry also received more votes than any President in US history. This indicates to me that the misinterpretation of data or proliferation of white lies and the view of "life-out-of-context" will continue for another four years. No surprise. Would it have been any different if Kerry won? No, probably not.

Finally, a bit of good news: Due to the worst possible planning of all time regarding the birth of our unborn child (Graduate:May 14, move to ??, Residency July 1, Due date June 20), there is a slight chance that he (Rob Jr.) or she (Jana Jr.) might be born while travelling through Canada on our way to Alaska. Does the baby get dual citizenship? A free ticket to escape GW's Orwellian Future? Any ideas from our Canadian fans (Arthur, Marsha) out there?

PS-The title of this post is purely a Simpson's reference. Please do not report me to the Office of Homeland Security


Anonymous Anonymous said...

there was a news story on CBC last night that was both funny and sad - there has been a 500% increase in hits to the immigration canada website over the past week - americans inquiring about immigration laws/policy. good for the canadian economy! i will re-think the option of going back afterall. brian will learn to love the the snow i hope.

as for dual citizenship - i'm not sure how that works. i do know that canada recognizes such things - i don't know if the US does though. maybe you need to join the mob on the immigration canada website. have any relatives you could visit around the due date in canada?


4:56 PM  
Blogger Kyle said...

Would it have been any different if Kerry won? No, probably not.Considering that Kerry mentioned about one million times that Bush had lost more jobs than any president since the depression, and considering the fact that this is misleading for the exact same reason (population growth), I think you are right.

I think Clinton claimed this even when he failed to garner a majority in 1992.

It's all so much bullshit.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

As I understand it, any child born to American parents anywhere in the world is considered a US citizen by the US (I think they call it jus sanguinus or something like that). Any child born within the borders of the US is also considered a US citizen by the US (I think they call that jus whateverlatinisforlandus).

If Canada operates on the same principles, your kid would be considered a citizen of Canada and the US by Canada and the US, respectively. Which would effectively be dual citizenship. But I have no idea what Canada's laws on that are.

On the other hand, if your kid is proficient in English, has a PhD, and is married to a Canadian, they pretty much jump to the front of the line (bonus points available for knowing French, too.) Or so I hear.

6:15 PM  

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