Sunday, October 10, 2004

One shining moment

Before I head off to this week's games, I have to mention (at Taryn's prompting) that I had my first sports related "Moment of Glory." Now, I have played organized sports all of my life from tennis and soccer to downhill and cross country skiing, to an ill fated attempt at pole vaulting my senior year in high school. I have always been able to hold my own, but rarely did I ever get the glory that pro sports have lead me to believe is the only reason for the game.

As most of you know, Ultimate (frisbee) is about the only game I play these days, aside from a little running and swimming. I am okay at this game, and have a couple of skills (well, maybe just one) that are better than the average bear. In last week's game, we were playing a worthy adversary and played point for point most of the game. I was being covered reasonably well by a young man with very large hair as I picked up the disc. I looked left, right, and as I saw my team mate cross the field behind my defender, I launched the disc between his legs, over the head of an oppoonent in the end zone, and into the waiting arms of my team mate for the point.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, if I do say myself. I finally felt that exhillaration that goes with the "glory play" and loved every second of it. Will I get to use this again? Doubtful, but it was worth every penny to see the confused look the faces of both the opposing team as well as my team.

In the immortal words of George Peppard, "I love it when a plan comes together."

Update: We won both of our games tonight. This first against the #1 team in league (previously undefeated)following a 7-2 lead (final score 9-8) and the second against the #9 team. All in all some awesome playing by our team.


Blogger Taryn said...

Thanks for telling the story. It was pretty awesome to watch. I was Rob's "dump" during the play and as I was screaming at him to dump the frisbee to me, I saw his eyes were huge and realized he did not hear me at all and had some sort of plan. Pretty cool.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Arthur said...

Way to rock the house Rob. You are the only person I know with that between the legs throw that will actually go further than 10 yards down the field.

2:39 PM  

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