Left in Akiachak
Ended my day with a Medevac to Akiachak, a village just up the Kuskokwim from here. In addition to myself, there was a pilot-in-training riding along on the flight. A flight to bring a 94 year old man who had suffered a stroke back to the hospital. Upon arriving at the clinic, we were notified that additionally there was an 8 year old girl who had dislocated her left elbow. Both needed to be brought back immediately and there were not enough seats on the plane for all of us.
The pilot-in-training and I were left on the runway in Akiachak. Sweet. There is nothing quite like watching your only guaranteed ride lifting off the gravel airstrip, dust blowing in your face, and the wings wobbling in the wind. Fortunately there was another plane with extra seats on its way to Bethel. Making its fourth stop on the milk run, we were picked up arriving just a few minutes behind our original ride. Nothing like hitch-hiking in rural Alaska. Speaking of which, the above map shows the villages in the region. there are no roads between any of these villages, and Bethel has a total of about 15 miles.
Hopefully the comments section is working. There seemed to be a little hitch on the last post. I am also disappointed that no one commented on my use of a Liz Phair album title and an A-Team catch phrase in the same post.