On to OB
It is Saturday, I am on call for pediatrics, and will be starting OB on Monday. Hard to believe that I have been doing this for a couple of months already. Time flies frighteningly fast when you never get to sleep. I am excited about getting next weekend off, however, the trade off will be a twenty day stretch without a day off, and overnight call in the hospital every 3-4 days. At the end of the marathon we will be going to Tucson and Indiana for a week filled with weddings and missed friends. Funny how everything obtains a new perspective. When I worked M-F, 40 hours a week, the weekend seemed an eternity away. Now that I work 80-100 hours a week and get every other weekend off (if I am lucky), the weekends pass quietly like another day. I realized I had a problem when I was excited about getting half the day off after leaving at 2pm following a 6am start.