Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Don't you want to be a Super too?

At what age do you lose the inner monolog of a superhero? Jackson is going through a combination of being a "Super Tiger" and hanging out with his imaginary friend Dash (one of the Supers from the Incredibles). I love this. It is endearing. If you have read along for any period of time, you know my penchant for the ideals of superherodom and my not-so-secret desire to have an alter Super ego. Fortunately everyone in the family has "Super Tiger" powers. Much cooler than my natural ability to locate free donuts and taunt my enemies with cynical verbage.

Thanks to everyone who has watched an voted for my video. Over 200 people have seen and rated it, and if anyone knows someone in Australia who can put in a good word, I'd appreciate it. They announce the short list next week.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you get any answers on how long the super hero thinkg lasts, let me know.
From the mother of "Jet Pack Boy" from the planet Venus and Jet Pack Boy's annoying friends "Hero-E" and "Spider."
--Margaret K

6:31 PM  

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