Thursday, November 06, 2008

Didn't get enough Palin?

Check out Fox News after the election. Now that Sen. McCain is out of the picture, Palin is being touted as a "Rock Star" and the new face of the GOP in 2012. Mind you that she has only been a mayor of a small town and Govenor of Alaska for less than two years. She still has a lot of tests that lay ahead of her on a local basis. I just hope she doesn't take on that Rock Star mentality, get pissed off when there is a yellow M&M in her contractual bowl of green M&Ms, drink a fifth of Yukon Jack, trash the hotel room, and vomit all over the state of Alaska.

Almost forgot to mention that my favorite mention on Fox this morning was the idea that although Ted Stevens may be elected to return to the Senate, his felony conviction will call for him to step down. Gov. Palin would then have to appoint an interim Senator, who would be...Senator Sarah Palin. Genius. Nothing like the nepotism of Alaska politics. Let's not forget that Lisa Murkowski, our other Senator was originally appointed by immediately former Senator and then new govenor, Frank Murkowski, her father.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could be worse- Palin could go Murkowski style and put Bristol in office.

1:17 PM  

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