Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Devil finds work for idle hands...

I'm finding that I don't deal well with idle time. Over the past several years I have been conditioned to work and not do much else. This is why I often don't feel comfortable in social situations. I can't talk about anything non-medical. In my new job, theoretically, I have every other week off, but the unstructured time has not yet been as rewarding as I hoped. Mind you that there hasn't been that much of it (see previous post), but I get a little moody when I don't have some semblance of where my day is going. I know, poor me. The sad part of the matter is that Jana has to deal with me moping around the house all day. I need a hobby, a book to read, oysters to schuck, something. Anyone else have this problem. I trust that it will go away over time, and I may be the conversational wonder I once (spelled n-e-v-e-r) was, but what do I do in the mean time?

Anybody see Heidi Klum in that Guitar Hero/Risky Business themed commercial?

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