Sunday, February 10, 2008

No Fear

I suppose I should put up some pictures or video of the twins, but they aren't very talented yet (except in the crying and vomitting department). Jackson has regularly risked frostbite to stay out in the snow, sledding, sliding, and swinging, regardless of the temperatures. This is a thing that has always puzzled me as I watch the middle and high school kids wait for the bus in the winter. At what point did I realize that it was cold outside, and I needed a jacket/long pants/shoes?

On another note, I forgot the piece de resistance on my last story...after Jana, Mom, Jackson, Jonathan, and Ella piled into the rude cabbie's van, without appropriate restraints, the complications continued. The driver complained all the way up the hill about what a woman with two young kids was doing living at the top of downtown in winter, he asked that we "throw in a couple of bucks because I helped with the car seats," and they were all locked out in the cold after the cabbie left and I had the housekey at the tire shop. Jana had to beg the neighbor for a warm place to nurse her children until the landlord could rescue them. All along, I was sitting warmly in the tire shop eating popcorn and reading all about Matthew McConaughey's pregant girlfriend.

It has snowed here nearly continuously since we arrived - nearly 8 inches last night- so we have a lack of good pictures. I will try to post some soon.


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