Thursday, November 17, 2005

Day off

Today was my first day off in three weeks. Went sledding, watched Dodgeball. Couldn't stay away from the "office" and checked up on one of my patients who came in the other night with stomach pain. Pacreatic cancer. Crap. Survival at 5 years is 1-2%. Young guy, well, 62. Too young. Watching the Daily Show tonight, John Hodgeman was the guest. Funniest dialog I have seen in a long time. Check out the website for his book The Areas of my Expertise. Be sure to check out the recorded list of 700 hobo names. This was typed with one hand, while Jackson occupied the other. Poetry? no.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Went to the March of the Penguins last night with Jana and Chris at our local brew pub movie theatre (the Bear Tooth). Thia chicken pizza, a winter ale, and a wonderful movie about penguins. I can't say enough about this movie, but I recommend that you all go out and see it right now. 'Nuff said.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Been a long time gone...

Almost forgot my password to this thing. I have been far from sessile (is that the right word?). Delivered around 50 babies in the past couple of months, went to Tucson and Evansville (yes, the home of that horrific tornado of late), and have settled back into the general medicine service here at the hospital. We also had our first snows of the season, and I put studded tires on my bicycle. It is amazingly cold trying to ride a bike on snow at 6 am, but disturbingly fun. Who knows, maybe I'll get back into the habit of this thing. I have been reading the rest of yours, so thanks for the updats. What going on with you?