Saturday, August 07, 2004


Yesterday was my last day in the main clinic here in Nome. Not a tremendously sad day (you get used to moving on in med school), but I have truly enjoyed my time here. As I mentioned a day or two ago, I will be heading to Shishmaref, home of Herbie Nayokpuk, the "Shishmaref Cannonball" (coolest dog musher/Iditarod nickname ever) on Monday morning. Looking forward to it. My weekend here was full of plans until the rain, and a slight glitch in my knee came along (I didn't even get to play soccer last night. It happened while I was warming up). I will hopefully go hiking up Skookum Pass, about 20 miles out of town, tomorrow if recovery goes well. Sadly, this little set back has caused me to abandon my Air Attack jumping program, and I may never reach the heights promised before my departure.

Two good things did happen yesterday...I made some wicked good cinnamon rolls for my coworkers at the clinic. They were something of an experiment, but it went well enough that I will again repeat this feat on my return to Tucson. The second was a compliment by a man that I work with. A PA (Physician's Assistant - they are about the same level as a Doc out in the bush communities), who has a very dry sense of humor, and has heckled/challenged me over the past few weeks told me I was going to make a good doctor. It is amazing how much more gratifying an unexpected compliment from someone who has not been particularly complimentary can be. Much like that grizzled old professor who made us work twice as hard as the others to make us appreciate what we were learning.

With the rain and leg issues, and my proclivity for watching bad movies I have watch a couple of doozies recently. "The Devil's Rain" with Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner, and some guy who looked just like Charles Bronson, and "Halloween 3: The Witching Hour" with nobody I recognized except another guy who looks like Chuck Bronson. Terrible movies, both of them. My only questions are: Where do all of these guys who look like Charles Broson come from and where did they go? and Why does Halloween 3: The Witching Hour have absolutely nothing to do with the first two, except the inclusion of footage from Halloween (the one with Jamie Lee Curtis) running on televisions within the movie? The isn't any mention of Michael Moore, no crazy house, nothing. Just an old toy maker who happens to be a witch who stole a part of stonehenge and then made robots and halloween masks with the powers of stonehenge to shoot lazers and make crickets come out of dead people so that the hills will run red with the blood of children and animals like they did three thousand years ago.

(...catching my breath, sorry)

For further interest in my adventures, per Kyle, watch the Hallmark Channel's presentation of the acclaimed series Northern Exposure. I didn't even know Hallmark had their own channel. The series is almost exactly like my day to day life up here, except not quite as funny. Much like when I was a Forensic Scientist, and the acclaimed series CSI captured the excitement of my job, although it was not as sexy as the real thing. I've lived it. Did I ever tell you how I started the grunge trend in Seattle in the early 90s and HUMVEEs?

I have to write a personal statement for residency applications. Can you believe I have writer's block? Perhaps I will just point them to this site. That should get me in. Right.


Blogger Arthur said...

Ah yes - great plans for the Air Alert jumping program, until my knees/shins started hurting from something else and I decided to discontinue the program. Sounds familiar.
The only person that I have heard who was successful with the program did it in Ottawa through the winter. Since there are no other activities which may injure the legs, I guess it has a chance of succeeding.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Micheal Moore? Freudian slip, Rob?

The Devil's Rain is a pretty awesomely terrible movie. Right up there with They Live. AMC (or one of those channels) in the middle of the night, right?

3:37 PM  
Blogger rob said...

Wow, Michael Moore. Good catch, of course I meant Mike Myers (who is equally as scarry and entertaining as Mike Morre in a slightly different medium). Also, right on the nose with the AMC catch, except it was during evening hours here in Alaska.

8:45 PM  

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