Wednesday, July 21, 2004

As close to brief as I get

Todays issue is dedicated to a semblance of brevity, as I learn my own wife is not reading my blog due to the biblical proportions of my last couple of writings.

Stitiches. Today I got to put stitches in the cheek of a 12 year old. Cool. I have mad stitching skills if anyone needs help. I haven't had to sew anything up since my OB/Gyn rotation several months ago, so there was more than a little trepidation going in. Not to mention there was no one supervising and the kid's mom was watching over my shoulder. Fortunately it was a clean cut, and five interrupted stitches later it actually looked like I knew what I was doing. Who's next?

Can I say enough about the friendliness of a small town. The weather has been beautiful here, so I took a bike ride around town for an hour or so. In that time I saw three people I know, and was waved at by no less than four total strangers. The kids even sell lemonade here still. Given, it is a dollar for a cup (that comes with a free cookie), but a dollar is chump change around here. I paid $11 for a twelve inch combo meal at Subway the other night.

'Nuff said for today. Please note that the link to Brian's blog (all that good angry/political stuff I promised a couple of weeks ago) is actually working now. My apologies about it being down. I am but a simple caveman, and your modern blogging ways are strange and frightening. Also please note the new visitor counter, reaching new heights daily. Thanks for your patronage.


Blogger Brian said...

Don't feel bad about Jana not reading you. Marsha told me last night that she just uses my blog as a links page to the other blogs that she actually does read. Mostly yours, it would appear.

It's also worth pointing out that the link to my page didn't work because I wrote it wrong. Go figure. I probably couldn't tell you how to get to my house, either.

10:15 AM  

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