Friday, July 09, 2004

Last one here, turn out the lights

Good grief! Why am I the last one to leave the clinic every night? There are only 4500 people in this town. Why are there so many people coming to the doctor? Is it my rugged good looks? My charm and wit? A chance for sparkling converstion with an outsider? One can only guess. This is not my beautiful, relaxing Alaskan vacation, but somehow I am actually having a good time anyway, and now I actually have the weekend off. I even received a thank you note from one of my pediatric patients this morning (note: a lone, silent tear slowly rolls down my cheek). My autonomy is a little frightening at times, as I was the only medical type person in clinic yesterday morning. Thankfully we only had a couple of patients, but I did get to use needles and poke at a wound. I am learning by distinct necessity, so should come out of this much stronger, if not more rested.

More on Nome. I have been spending a lot of time on my bike since I have no other means of transportation, and combining it with hikes and romantic, albeit solo, walks down the beach. I rode to and climbed a hill called Anvil Mountail the other day, only to find a road climbing up the other side. I am told there are musk oxen nearby and will publish a picture as soon as I figure out how. I also rode to one of the nearby beaches and ran a mile or two past driftwood, shacks, goldminers, and one attacking killdeer (ocean bird for those who aren't in the know - it flew 1 foot above my head screaming at me for nearly 5 minutes) all the way down to a gold dredge. Insert picture here (again if only I knew how to work this thing). These are behemouth floating machines that dig up gravel, make their own lakes, and sift through the gravel for gold. It is basically a 200 ton version of a sluicebox. Pretty cool. I didn't find any gold. Then I had to run all the way back. Did I mention it is very cold up here? the end.

For my only note regarding current events ( aside from mentioning that I think John Edwards was a smart pick for Kerry) I saw the Continuing adventures of Riddick, or something like that the other night. We actually have a decent small movie theatre (that's for you my Canadian friends) in town, and my only other option was the Garfield movie. I have to admit, it was a decent scifi movie, one of the better ones I have seen in some time. Vin Diesel aside, the plot was interesting and the effects pretty cool. It reminded me a little of Stargate, but with Vin Diesel and less androgeny.

Did I mention how excited I was about the weekend. I am going on a National Park Service led hike tomorrow, and will take a long bike ride to find musk oxen (see picture I didn't know how to insert mentioned above) on Sunday. Barring a sound trampling, I will report on those adventures soon. I also hope to get some fishing in while I am here. Subsistence fishing/hunting is very common up here. I had a patient tell me her family needed 1300 fish, two caribou, and a musk ox (again, no picture) to last the through the winter. I purchased some fish from the docks yesterday in addition to some King Crab legs. These things are at least 18 inches long. The special is live king crab, and I have no idea how they fit those things into a pot. Any ideas?

Finally please not the addition of Brian and Kyle's angry/philosophical/multimedia type blogs in the new links session (assuming I figure that out after this post). Arkybadarky.


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