Monday, September 22, 2008

Pet Peeves: Littering and Teenage pregnancy

Who litters these days? Seriously. I know that I come from a background that treasures all that is neat and tidy (note: don't look in our living room right now, Hurricane Church recently passed through), but who teaches their children to litter? I was following a car out of one of my favorite fast food restaurants (oh, Taco Bell, I can't quit you) and watched first the driver pitch a straw wrapper - okay, small and degradable- out the window, and then immediately following, the passenger threw a handful of taco sauce packets onto the street. Really? How does this occur to you? Hmmm, I have trash, but I have a bag which the product came in, and I have the floor of my car, and I have this small receptacle for trash...what should I do with it? Out the window. Great plan.

Now my limitless loathing of litter (but obviously not alliteration) finds its true nemsis cigarette butts pitched out at street corners. I have even stepped out of my car, walked up to the car ahead of me, picked up a discarded cigarette, and glared mercilessly at the occupants while we were travelling through Denali National Park. It's a National Park! Why? Please, if you know, please, let me know how people learn that this is acceptable. Perhaps it is just a lack of guidance versus actual teaching. Maybe I'm the odd man out and all those years of sweeping up butts off the sidewalk in front of the house were a societal life lesson that I apparently failed.

Now for something completely different...Teen pregnancy? Really? I know it is at the forefront of national interest (or was a week or two ago with Bristol Palin), but why are teens still getting pregnant, and why do some of them seem to want to be? I was trapped into watching an episode of Tyra at the gym earlier this week which featured a number of 14 year old girls who were pregnant or trying to be. The cluelessness was mind boggling. Perhaps I should start up a scared straight type program for teen girls by putting them up at my house for a few days. A plan for birth control in the water and a prescription for reversal needs to be done now. There I've said it. No more electoral hopes for me. So be it. Maybe I can become Surgeon General someday. If only an Alaskan would get elected to the White House. Ahhh, pipe dreams....

Check out the link from Val on "White privilege in American politics." Take it with a grain of salt, as it is a politically motivated website, but there are some interesting points.

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Blogger Janine said...

The cigarette thing kills me too, especially here in Tucson. How is it possible that people don't realize throwing a still lit cigarette out the window towards a bunch of dried plants isn't a bad thing? (Not that I'm all pro-littering anyway).

As for the teens, it concerns me as well. I hear the British have a plan to use the implantable birth control to keep girls from getting pregnant from the ages of 13 to 18. Some call it crazy, I think it is a brilliant idea.

7:01 AM  

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