Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our Wars: A New Hope

(I made that title up all by myself. So clever and so modest.) Inaguration day. A new President, and many of us are hopeful for change in America. Will it happen? Unlikely to the degree that the cult of personality around President Obama has built up, but at least we will be heading in a new direction. Political posts are far and few between on this site, because it is not my specialty. If I were given the choice of becoming President of the United States or a one-hit wonder, I would choose the one-hit wonder path in a blink of the eye.

I hope that our place in the world is viewed as less of a bully and more of a model to which other countries would aspire. Unlike our previous President, I think there is more than just good and evil. Unfortunately there is a marked gray area in the middle that our country has fallen into over the past few years. Okay, maybe it has always been there, as that is the nature of international politics. The simple idea that we are all that is good, and can do no wrong, is delusional and hurtful to people, cultures, and governments all over the world. There are few people or entities that can rightfully claim this (Jesus, the Beatles, Joe Francis). I am just looking forward to the change and the ability to listen to my President without cringing at every other word coming out of his mouth.

'Nuff said. Now to something more important...we got the peeing in the potty thing down. How to we get the poop there? Jackson "ran out of diapers" a couple of days ago and is getting really uncomfortable. For the eight of you who seem to check in every day or so, thanks. I have resolved to try and write something, anything every day. It may be short (hallelujah, you say) but I need to keep in the habit. It is a necessary release in my life. Peace and hope to all.

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