Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Here we go again"...or...."How a medical Resident and Father of three sporadically tries to ease his writing jones"

The icy cold North Pacific wind is blowing as I sit on the couch of my rented apartment, waiting for the next page or call from the hospital. I am warm and it is quiet. The quiet is a little unsettling. It is something that I am not used to hearing these days. There are now three children at home with their mother, and I am in Kodiak. Alone.

I am here by choice, I guess. I was fortunate enough to work here last year as a resident, and they were desperate for someone to cover their hospital call for the weekend. We need the money. For the first time in my life, I feel an over whelming responsibility to provide for my family. The extension of Team Church to five human members (plus two dogs) has been an interesting change.

Don’t get me wrong. They are paying me well, and this is a pretty good place to be. I even get more sleep here (but don’t tell Jana). I would probably even be here if we didn’t need the money, just for the experience. Our story is a little complicated these days and over the next few weeks, I will write more to explain. Please bear with the garrulous nature of my writing, as I promise the entries will get long. As an exchange, I promise to provide more pictures.


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